Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Analysis of a News Source, Week 1.1

5pm, 11/11/2012, KARE11, Rena Sarigianopoulos and Blake McCoy
1.      A storm destroys woman’s human, weather
A Minnesotan women was sitting in her living room, thinking about going to bed, when the storm struck and a huge tree landed right on her house, mostly bedroom. Her house is partly destroyed but she is okay. “If I had gone to bed a little earlier, I wouldn’t be here today” – she says.
2.      16 people displaced because of house fire, accident
A fire probably started because of the fireplace. Nobody’s hurt but they’re going to sleep somewhere else today.
3.      1) Timing – happened overnight
              2) Significance – it didn’t affect a lot of people, just one woman.
              3) Proximity – an accident happened in Minneapolis, close to us, so it’s pretty newsworthy.
              4) Prominence - the lady wasn't very famous, but she’s an old lady
              5) Human interest - as I already said, that woman is old, probably living alone, so people will be interested in it.
              6) Oddity - I wouldn't say the story is very unique but still, that doesn't happen every day. 

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