Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bob Dotson, Make it Memorable

1. What do you notice about the way he writes? Use specific examples, please. (75 words)
I think that the way he writes is really educating and neat. He doesn’t use complicated words and tries to explain things in a simple way that will be understandable for everyone. I like how he divides each chapter into little paragraphs with titles, for example, in section one there are straightforward titles like “Write the Middle of Your Story First”, “How to Quickly Write a Good Opening Line”, “Don’t Throw Away Thoughts”.

2.  What did you learn from reading pages 9 to 27? (75 words)
Pages one to twenty seven are partly explaining how to use three basic techniques in journalism: the rule of threes, filling the silence and non-question/question. Mr. Dotson tries to make his readers understand how he likes to work himself and what professional tricks are in his arsenal.  I have also wanted to find out how you can write your story if you can’t decided what is the first line is going to be yet and he explained that it is okay to write the middle of the story first because it is the easiest part. That is what I found the most useful thing. 

3.  With the scripts: What do suppose is described in each column? Why would it be split like that? What else is interesting about the scripts? (50 words)
The script describes how the making of story for news going with lots of details (camera work, photos’ use, people’ action). I think Mr. Dotson split it like that to make us see how many things we would have to notice and use if we ever decide to make news. 

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